Бухгалтерское обслуживание Ltd компаний. Профессиональные бухгалтерские услуги в Великобритании. Buhalterinės paslaugos įmonėms Jungtinėje Karalystėje.

When is the tax return deadline for the 2022-23 tax year?

Are you required to file a tax return?

Even if your tax is fully paid through the PAYE system, you might still need to complete a Self-Assessment tax return, especially if you have a higher income.

For tax years up to and including 2022/23, this requirement applies if your income exceeds £100,000. Starting from the 2023/24 tax year, this threshold is raised to £150,000.

Other circumstances that may necessitate filing a return include:

  • Earning rental income over £1,000;
  • Receiving dividend income above the dividend allowance;
  • Having taxable interest income;
  • Needing to declare foreign income;
  • Realizing chargeable gains during the tax year;
  • Being subject to the high-income child benefit charge.

The deadline for submitting your tax return online is midnight on 31st January 2024.

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